It was formerly a very difficult matter to catch the lion, and
it was mostly done by means of pit-falls. In the reign, however, of the Emperor Claudius, accident disclosed a method
which appears almost disgraceful to the name of such an
animal; a Gætulian shepherd stopped a lion, that was rushing
furiously upon him, by merely throwing his cloak[1] over the
animal; a circumstance which afterwards afforded an exhibition
in the arena of the Circus, when the frantic fury of the animal
was paralyzed in a manner almost incredible by a light covering
being thrown over its head, so much so, that it was put into
chains without the least resistance; we must conclude, therefore,
that all its strength lies in its eyes. This circumstance renders
what was done by Lysimachus[2] less wonderful, who strangled
a lion, with which he had been shut up by command of Alexander.[3]
Antony subjected lions to the yoke, and was the first at
Rome to harness them to his chariot;[4] and this during the
civil war, after the battle on the plains of Pharsalia; not,
indeed, without a kind of ominous presage, a prodigy that
foretold at the time how that generous spirits were about to be
subdued. But to have himself drawn along in this manner, in company with the actress Cytheris,[5] was a thing that
surpassed even the most monstrous spectacles that were to be
seen at that calamitous period. It is said that Hanno, one of
the most illustrious of the Carthaginians, was the first who
ventured to touch the lion with the hand, and to exhibit it in
a tame state. It was on this account that he was banished;
for it was supposed, that a man so talented and so ingenious
would have it in his power to persuade the people to anything,
and it was looked upon as unsafe to trust the liberties of the
country to one who had so eminently triumphed over even
ferocity itself. There are some fortuitous occurrences cited
also, which have given occasion to these animals to display
their natural clemency. Mentor, a native of Syracuse, was
met in Syria by a lion, who rolled before him in a suppliant
manner; though smitten with fear and desirous to escape, the
wild beast on every side opposed his flight, and licked his feet
with a fawning air. Upon this, Mentor observed on the paw
of the lion a swelling and a wound; from which, after extracting
a splinter, he relieved the creature's pain.[6] There is a picture
at Syracuse, which bears witness to the truth of this transaction.
In the same manner, too, Elpis, a native of Samos, on landing
from a vessel on the coast of Africa, observed a lion near the
beach, opening his mouth in a threatening manner; upon which
he climbed a tree, in the hope of escaping, while, at the same
time, he invoked the aid of Father Liber; for it is the appropriate time for invocations when there is no room left for hope.
The wild beast did not pursue him as he fled, although he might
easily have done so; but, lying down at the foot of the tree,
by the open mouth which had caused so much terror, tried to
excite his compassion. A bone, while he was devouring his
food with too great avidity, had stuck fast between his teeth,
and he was perishing with hunger; such being the punishment
inflicted upon him by his own weapons, every now and then
he would look up and supplicate him, as it were, with mute
entreaties. Elpis,[7] not wishing to risk trusting himself to
so formidable a beast, remained stationary for some time, more
at last from astonishment than from fear. At length, however, he descended from the tree and extracted the bone, the
lion in the meanwhile extending his head, and aiding in the
operation as far as it was necessary for him to do. The story
goes on to say, that as long as the vessel remained off that
coast, the lion showed his sense of gratitude by bringing whatever he had chanced to procure in the chase. In memory of
this circumstance, Elpis consecrated a temple at Samos to Father
Liber, which the Greeks, from the circumstance above related,
called "the temple xeXhno/tos Dionu/sou," or "of the open-mouthed
Bacchus." Can we wonder, after this, that the wild beasts
should be able to recognize the footsteps of man,[8] when of
him alone of all animals they even hope for aid? For why
should they not have recourse to others for assistance? Or how
is it that they know that the hand of man has power to heal
them? Unless, perhaps, it is that the violence of pain can
force wild beasts even to risk every thing to obtain relief.
(17.) Demetrius, the natural philosopher, relates an equally
remarkable instance, in relation to a panther.[9] The animal was
lying in the middle of the road, waiting for some one to pass
that way, when he was suddenly perceived by the father of one
Philinus, an ardent lover of wisdom.[10] Seized with fear, he
immediately began to retreat; while the beast rolled itself
before him, evidently with the desire of caressing him, at the
same time manifesting signs of grief, which could not be
misunderstood in a panther even. The animal had young ones,
which had happened to fall into a pit at some distance from
the place. The first dictates of compassion banished all fear,
and the next prompted him to assist the animal. He accordingly followed her, as she gently drew him on by fixing
her claws in his garment; and as soon as he discovered what
was the cause of her grief and the price of his own safety, he
took the whelps out of the pit, and they followed her to the
end of the desert; whither he was escorted by her, frisking
with joy and gladness, in order that she might more appropriately testify how grateful she was, and how little she had
given him in return; a mode of acting which is but rarely
found, among men even.
1. "Sagum." This was the cloak worn by the Roman soldiers and inferior officers, in contradistinction to the "paludamentum" of the general
and superior officers. It was open in the front, and usually, though not
always, fastened across the shoulders by a clasp. It was thick, and made
of wool.
2. This story is given also by Plutarch, in the life of Demetrius. Lysimachus was a Macedonian by birth, but son of Agathocles, a serf of Thessaly. Through his great courage, he became one of the body-guard of
Alexander. Quintus Curtius tells us that, when hunting in Syria, he
killed a lion of immense size single-handed, though not without receiving
severe wounds in the contest. The same author looks upon this as the
probable origin of the story here referred to by Pliny.
3. This is mentioned by many ancient authors; by Plutarch, Pausanias,
Seneca, Justin, and by Quintus Curtius, who thinks that the account usually
given is fabulous.—B.
4. Related by Plutarch, as among the acts of extravagance and folly,
committed by Antony, which gave much disgust to the grave and respectable citizens of Rome.—B.
5. A famous courtezan of the time of Cicero; being originally the freed-
woman and mistress of Volumnius Eutrapelus, and then successively the
mistress of Antony and the poet Gallus, who mentioned her in his poems
under the name of Lycoris; she did not, however, continue faithful to him.
6. Aulus Gellius, B. v. c. 14, and Ælian, Anim. Nat. B. viii. c. 48, relate a similar anecdote of Androclus or Androcles, who extracted a thorn
from the foot of a lion.—B.
7. The text is in a state of extreme confusion here, and so hopelessly man-
gled, that we can only guess at the sense of it. In Sillig's edition, which
is generally followed, it runs to this effect: "Neque profugienti, cum potuisset, fera institerat et procumbens ad arborem hiatu quo terruerat miserationem quærebat. Os morsu avidiore inhæserat dentibus cruciabatque
inedia, turn pœna in ipsis ejus telis suspectantem ac velut mutis precibus
orantem, dum fortuitu fidens non est contra feram; multoque diutius
miraculo quam metu cessatum est." Thus paraphrased by Sillig, who
devotes a long Note to it: "The lion, therefore, being tormented by
hunger and excessive pain, and thus punishing himself for his greediness
in his own weapons (his teeth), looked up, and besought Elpis with silent
prayers, as it were, not, as he trusted to the protection fortuitously given
by the branches, to show himself distrustful of a wild beast."
8. This remark refers to what Pliny has related in c. 5, respecting the
sagacity of the elephant.—B.
9. Cuvier remarks, that this "panthera" is not the same as the pa/nqhr
of the Greeks. From the description of its spots and other circumstances,
he thinks that it was one of the African animals, known by modern naturalists as the leopard, which appear to have been confounded by the Romans
with the panther. The term "leopardus " is not met with until after the
age of Pliny; it was supposed to be the produce of the pardus, or male
panther, and the lioness.—B.
10. "Assectatoris sapientiæ"—"A follower of wisdom;" meaning a